Narcissistic relationship recovery story
Feb 01, 2024I recently asked on Instagram if sharing a transformation story from a client would be helpful for you to hear and the response to that was overwhelming! So here is a narcissistic relationship recovery story.
I started working with Amelia when she was just out of a covertly abusive, narcissistic relationship.
This one devolved further than the others, as she had allowed him to be around her children. As with most of my clients, this was not their first relationship with this dynamic. He appeared to be different until he had leverage, then he became the same wolf…different sheep's clothing.
Amelia felt like she must have a bad ‘picker’, and should not engage with romance again.
She was also sitting with a heavy suffocating feeling that she may not be able to have success in business, AND love. She dearly wanted someone to share life with, and she felt crushed.
She never had a chance to relax in her relationships.
With repeated emotional abuse, she had started to believe her ex’s constant criticism of her. Her passion for life was dwindling. Even at work, she shrank into the background and did not want to attract attention to herself. She was trusting herself and her choices less.
The tools you need to learn when working through narcissistic relationship recovery
Starting from our first session, using my 6 keys process, we were quickly able to pinpoint the link between her childhood attachment experience, and the echo of her romantic relationship dynamics.
She felt such relief to have the awareness that this kind of abuse creeps up on you, you do not actively choose it. As it feels so familiar, the nervous system reads it as ‘safe’ or ‘comfortable’. Wanting to be loved so much, and it feeling to be out of reach, until she bent herself into pretzel knots to please.
Next, we implemented my inner critic inventory practice, regulation tools, inner child and somatic practices which are all tailored especially for people with abuse trauma.
She quickly found her clarity and strength returning.
Is it possible to stay away from your narcissistic ex?
One of the hardest things for Amelia then, was to stay ‘no contact’ with her ex.
It felt like an addiction to an unhealthy substance. She was sure she would not be able to stop herself responding to him and his constant contact, trying to ‘hoover’ her back into his emotional control. After my TI boundaries process (the only one of its kind for people with abuse trauma) she felt more courage to choose herself over the cycle.
By the end of our second session; Amelia stopped responding completely to her ex. It had been 7 years of back and forth.
To this day she maintains this standard. She sees herself in a new light; worthy of a love that does not hurt.
She respects herself too much to accept breadcrumbs and manipulation. She anchored in my teachings on how to be highly attuned to every red flag, and how to recognise abuse dynamics. She now and for good, feels safe to trust herself and her discernment. Narcissistic abusers can no longer groom and dupe her.
Are you ready to take the next step?
This is the work we do in my high support programs. If you strongly desire to put an end to abusive relationship patterns for good, rise the f*ck up and create the kind of love for yourself that repels the rats, and attracts healthy love (optional!), then my upcoming offer will be the perfect fit for you.
I’ll soon be opening the first spots to a transformational experience, click here to add yourself to the waitlist and be first to get details and an invite…
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