Narcissistic relationship impact on your life

Narcissistic relationship impact on your life

Mar 01, 2024

Have you ever thought about the narcissistic relationship impact on your life? Your relationships have been so bad, for so long, that you feel the impact of that seeping into your daily life too? 


Narcissistic relationship impact on your life

You’re losing focus at work, you’re becoming less of yourself.

Suddenly, you’ve found yourself being more and more quiet…

You’re not speaking up in your meetings, you’re second guessing yourself and your abilities.

You seem preoccupied, others around you can sense it.


That’s what being in covertly abusive relationships do. Even if you don’t notice it in your day-to-day life, there are other effects of narcissistic relationships.

You don’t have your previous clarity and certainty. You feel foggy and anxious when it comes to speaking up.

You want to hide, you don’t want to attract any attention to yourself.

You dress to blend in rather than stand out. You’re making excuses just to stay in and not be around people. Small talk hurts your brain and you feel like you want to scream.

The next step feels uncertain. There is a piece you are not seeing, you can feel it. Something needs to slot into place, but you can’t really imagine the next step.


Are you ready to take the next step?

This is the work we do in my high proximity support programs.

If you strongly desire to solve the puzzle, put an end to abusive relationship patterns for good…To rise the f*ck up and create the kind of love for yourself that repels the rats, and attracts healthy partners (optional!), then Rise is for you.

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